Wednesday 18 November 2009

Doctor Who, ice cream and little crocheted butterflys

It is a quiet evening.  I have watched an old Doctor Who episode, eaten a pot of vanilla ice cream and admired my new fish in the aquarium.  The fish are not dead, the ice cream was lovely and even though it was a Christopher Eccelston Doctor Who, Captain Jack was there to make things good again.

While doing each of the above I played with some tapestry wool to make experimental butterflies.  Not when I was eating the ice cream as wool and ice cream are not a good mix.

These might develop into Narabugs to go with the Pipkins, or they will go nicely on a Nintendo DS case that I plan to make at some point.  I am not sure that butterflies on a DS case will encourage my little girl to put her DS into it, but I live in hope.

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